Registration for Celebrity Deathmash 2025 will begin March 1st until April 6th or until entry limit is reached.
Judging date and location – Saturday, April 26th at 399 Washington St. Brighton, MI.
Before You Register
Please make sure to review the Guidelines to make sure that you have your entries properly marked and bottled. Bottles & cans that are not tagged correctly or not in the approved bottles or cans will not be accepted.
Once you are certain that your beer is ready to send in go to Reggiebeer.com to register your competition entries. Remember 3 entries per brewer.
After you Register
Please work with your club’s coordinator listed below for Drop off locations.
- Jim Satin – Ann Arbor Brewers Guild
- Jason Kniss – Keepers of Craft
- Leigh McBain – Sons of Liberty
- Tom Wilk – Motor City Mashers
- Livingston Social